Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wk 46 - A Sea Lion kinda week

Companion: Elder Copling
Area: Talchuano

my trainer is now my zone leader and i had splits with him

looking at all the sea lions
These pics i took this morning and it was awesome to go out on the edge of the ocean and see these sea lions making noise!! they were so big and fat! flippin gorditos! yeah it was pretty cool!! so this week i got a few stories that are pretty cool!

To start off on thursday we had zone conference and it was way good! they talked about having the faith to find people! so the president of the mission gets up and says so we are going to work on our faith right now!! so there was 2 zones there and he says we are going to ask 2 missionarys to go out on the street right now and bring a person in to teach. i was a little caught off guard and i got this feeling like oh boy i feel like he is going to say my name. sure enough he calls my name and my comp so we go out and the rest of the missionaries stayed and prayed on their knees that we could find someone! we also had 15 min to do it so no pressure right!? we go out and start talking to as many people as we could and at one point we were running to talk to some people and sure enough the last minute we found a young boy about 20 years old who agreed to come in the church and sit down in front of 40 ish missionaries and to receive a message. it was insane. i seriously felt like my adrenaline was pumping through my body like crazy. it was a cool story and the zone conference was sweet!

so here is the other story that happened yesterday. so we were knocking on doors and we see this house that was pretty nice and so we yell haaaallloooo!! thats how you do it here and a old guy walked out and he was pretty nice. he told us he was a jehovah witness and just so you know that when someone says they are a jehovah witness they always reject us. that is seriously what they teach in their church is to reject those mormons. but this guy let us in his house and we sat down and we shared a powerful message of the restoration with using the bible and he would ask a question and we would answer him with using the bible. we also bore powerful testimony of the restoration and i knew without a doubt that this guy had felt that it is true. i looked straight at him and said i know that you have felt the spirit during this time and he answered and said yes i have. the thing was is he is a pastor for his church i am sure because of how nice his house was. but still he said i am sorry but i cant accept this message and he said can you guys go now? we told him to finish with a prayer and told him to ask if the book of mormon is true. he said he would and during his prayer he didnt say anything about the book of mormon and we asked him why he didnt ask and he said i dont need this in my life and he finished up and we left. i know this guy didnt accept the gospel but i know he knows its true. maybe one day he will come around in the future. it was a powerful testimony strengthener for me.

it was a great week and it just reminded me of how blessed i really am. i love you guys and i hope you guys have a wonderful week. you guys are always in my prayers.

the house that i live in.

yes it is pretty nice. one of the nicest that i have had
where the other elders study and sleep

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