Monday, April 11, 2016

Wk 97 - la última semana del cambio

Companion: Elder Stallings
Area: Tome´

tanner dealership (thought it was funny because that isnt a common name here)
this is the last week of the transfer and it is kinda weird because this transfer has been so long!! (8 weeks)

this past week i did a mini cambio with an elder in dichato. it rained that day but he let me use an umbrella he had in the house so i didnt get too wet!:) sometimes here it rains sideways so an umbrella doesnt do you much good!! haha it was a good time though. dichato has some dirt roads so luckily i had my boots on that day and it didnt really matter that much!! it is pretty cool to see how much it rains here some times! we are now in the fall here is it is cooling down a bit. the thing that is nice is that is that it doesnt get too cold here unless you are far away from concepción then it will be pretty cold! haha 

well this is going to be a great week and i am excited to help our cristina. we have talked to a member that has the same age as cristina and we are going to be visiting cristina on friday with this member. it will be awesome! i feel the member will help her out a lot!! 

well i am doing good and happy :) love you guys and have a great week!!

elder smoot

Area Conference pictures from the mission blog 

Tome´ Zone

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